JANE McDonald has stunned viewers as she stripped fully naked and skinny dipped on her TV show Lost In Japan.
The second episode of the Channel 5 show aired on our screens this evening.

Lost In Japan follows Jane travel the the country in East Asia and sees what exciting things she gets up to.
Tonight she visited a ninja and underwent training, have dinner with a robot, and she even went to try out the local cuisine at Tsukiji market.
Jane also stripped off fully nude to bathe at Mount Fuji.
She said: "They want me to experience it as a novice, so that’s entirely what I do and I love the fact that they say ‘right this is what we’re doing today’
Read more on Jane McDonald
“So I got my kit off! The poor cameraman I did feel for him.
“In our culture everything is covered, but if you go to a bath in Japan you have to take everything off - that was a bit of a shock!”
Viewers watching at home were lost for words.
One said on Twitter: "I mean good on Jane McDonald, not sure you would catch me in the nude in the middle of a hot spring! She really is living her best life on these travels #LostInJapan."
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Others took to the social media platform to praise the show.
Another tweeted: "Voluntarily watching Jane McDonald in Japan. I kind of want to be her tbh."
"I've seen many folks put together travel docs about Japan, but have to say Jane McDonald's take has been wonderful. Minimal in its patronising and wide eyed in its wonder. Mirrors our own time there. Love it x," a third chimed in.
A fourth added: "I'm currently watching Jane McDonald speak to a Japanese robot - if that's not entertainment, I don't know what is."
It comes after Jane was forced to wrestle in the new Channel 5 series as she demanded 'get my agent on the phone!'
During last week's instalment Jane attended a restaurant which involves sumo wrestlers battle it out.
The singer had to take part, and jokingly told the camera: "Get my agent on the phone!".
- Jane McDonald: Lost In Japan airs on C5